Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spring 2010 Rush Has Begun!!

The chapter has embraced the new year and decade with much enthusiasm as our Spring 2010 Rush Week kicked off to a great start. The week began with a Hookah Night which was quite a successful as there were a good amount of rushes at the event. Our Rush Chairman Dan Lyons will be doing his best to run each of these events in order to get a group of worthy men that might one day learn the true values of our chapter. The rest of the rush events will pan out as follows:

Monday 2/1-Hookah Night
Tuesday 2/2-Madden Tournament
wednesday 2/3- Basketball game
Thursday 2/4- Corner tournament
Friday 2/5- Shabbat
Saturday 2/6- Meet the Brothers
Sunday 2/7 -Superbowl
Monday 2/8- Poke Tournament
Tuesday 2/9-Hoagies and Stogies
Wednesday 2/10- Ping Pong Tournament

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